How to Type Degree Symbol on Laptop Without Number Pad

Degree symbol Copy below with the copy option. Here you can learn how to write degrees symbol in Ms word, Html, Mac, and Windows pc, etc.

Degree symbol on keyboard (°)

Press and hold the ALT  key and type 0176  on the numeric keypad of your keyboard having NUMLOCK on. If you have a Laptop and there is no numeric keypad, press and hold the Fn  key before typing the 0176 numbers ofdegree symbol.

Degree symbol Mac (°)

On the Mac, the degree symbol is already part of your keyboard. Just press the Shift key and close parentheses because the degree symbol is part of it: Example – Press and hold the SHIFT + OPTION + 8 keys on your keyboard. It appears automatically.


Degree° Symbol in HTML:

° C in HTML code:

& # 8451;

° F in HTML code:

& # 8457;

degrees Celsius ° in Java:


°Fahrenheit in Java:


Latex degree symbol:




The perpendicular angle is 60\si{\degree}.


Answer = The perpendicular angle is 60°.

Learn Latex degree symbol in Detail – Click here




The perpendicular angle is 60\si{\textdegree}.


Answer = The perpendicular angle is 60°.




The perpendicular angle is 60\si{\degree}.


Answer = The perpendicular angle is 60°.

Writing degrees sign on different documents & devices

Insert the degrees sign in text documents

Use code 0176 to insert the degree icon in text documents. To do this, press the alt key and, without releasing it, enter this code on the numeric (optional) keyboard. As you enter the code, nothing will change on the screen, and when you finish and release the alt key, the ° icon will appear at the location indicated by the input cursor.

degrees sign

Insert Degrees sign by Windows Character Table

Start the Windows Character Table component as an alternative to the method for inserting the degree sign. You can do this, for example, by pressing the key combination win + r , enter the Charmap command and click the Enter key . In the symbol table in the open window, find the degree icon, double-click it, and click the Copy button. Then go to the window of the edited document and paste the copied character ( ctrl + v ).

Insert Degrees sign by Windows Character Table

Degree symbol in word (Hexadecimal code)

Enter the hexadecimal code 00B0 (B is an English letter) if you are working with documents in a Microsoft Office text editor. This code corresponds to the degree notation in the Unicode table, and Word can work with such symbol notations.

Degree symbol in word

Now select the Unicode code 00B0 and Hold Alt key. Your screen should be like this shown below.

Degree symbol in word

Now simply press x while holding the Alt key , and the word processor will remove the four characters (00B0) from the text by placing degree sign ° in its place as shown below.

Degree symbol in word

Degree symbol on chrome

Use HTML character primitives if the degree sign is to be placed in hypertext. To display this character in the text of a web page, you can place a series of ° or ° characters in it – both forming the same icon.

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Degree symbol on chrome

Degree symbol in Word (°) Easily?

In your Word document, in addition to the Many methods presented above, there is another way to insert the degree symbol in word in the text. To use it, select the Insert tab and click Symbol. If the degree is not one of the options in the small menu that will appear, click More Symbols. Search for the desired symbol and confirm with Insert. It will automatically appear where the cursor is. The next time you want to enter it, just select it from the Recently Used Symbols.

How to make a degree symbol?

In order to represent the number (or word) to the appropriate degree, it is necessary to properly draw it up. We all know that Word is a faithful and versatile assistant. If you represent a number (or word) to power, you can also use its services, and read the instructions in this post.

Degree Symbol in Word 2007

Step1#:  We put the cursor at the end of the entered number like 81.

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Step2#:  We find on the toolbar "Home" – "Superscript".  A symbol like X2

Step3#:  Then find degree symbol – Go to > insert > Symbols > More symbols.

Step4#: Then find your degree symbol Manually or by entering Character code in the box shown in below image i.e, 00B0and you see symbol automatically select is degree by entering this code.

Step5#:  A little trick: in order not to constantly refer to the toolbar, you can call the superscript by using the key combination "Shift" + "Ctrl" + "+".

If you want your symbol like this then follow all steps -81°


If you want your symbol like this then skip Step2# & Step5# – 81°

Degree Symbol in Word 2007

Degree symbol in Word 2003

If you want to do all this in the old version of the word processor, then here is the instruction for him.

Step1#: Select a word or number with the mouse.

Step2#: Right-click on "Font".

Step3#: In the window that opens, put a tick in the "Superscript".

Degree symbol in Word 2003

To remove a degree and a number or word raised into it, you just need to press the Backspace key until the characters completely disappear from the screen. If you want to delete only a degree, but leave a number or a word – put the cursor after the degree, press "Backspace" as many times as you need to delete the degree. You can switch to ordinary writing mode with the same key combination "Shift" + "Ctrl" + "+". Conquer Word and see you soon!

Degree Symbol Alt Code (°)

Put the mouse cursor where you want to insert the degree sign symbol. Then, hold down the AltGr key (usually to the right of the space bar) and press the key that has the degree symbol. In general, the symbol is present on the same key that contains the bar and the question mark.

If by chance, you do not find the degree symbol on the indicated key or any other on the keyboard, keep the Alt key pressed and type 0176 and the symbol will appear immediately. You can use this method to insert it into an email or any software in the Office suite. There are different alt codes for every symbol approx 256 alt codes are here.

Now and again understudies or the individuals who manage arithmetic, material science or different sorts of counts may need to type a degree sign , yet we don't have one straightforwardly on our console/keyboard. Degree symbol can be utilized on the off chance that in case we're managing edges, or when we have to work with temperature and use Celsius degree. It is likewise a typical facilitate degree sign. In reality, there are a couple of approaches to make a degree symbol. You can either duplicate glue or utilize the degree code in your report.

Degree Symbol Alt Code

How to make Degree in Math

A degree showed by ° (the degree symbol), is utilized as the unit of edge measure characterized that a full turn is 360 degrees. Which implies there are 360 degrees in a full revolution. So a large portion of a circle shows 180° called a Straight Angle; just as a fourth of a circle is 90° called a Right Angle. We can utilize a protractor to gauge degrees. A standard protractor measures 0° to 180°. In any case, round trip protractors can quantify 0° to 360°.

How to make Degree in Math

Kelvin to degrees Celsius – Convert Temperatures

Kelvin and Celsius are two temperature scales. The "grade" dimension for each scale is the same magnitude, but the Kelvin scale starts from absolute zero (the lowest theoretically achievable temperature), while the Celsius scale sets the zero point to the triple point of the water (the point where water may exist in the state solid, liquid or gaseous states, or 32.01 ° F).

Kelvin to degrees Celsius

Because Kelvin is an absolute scale, no study symbol is used as a result of a measurement. Otherwise, the two scales are the same. Conversion between them requires only basic arithmetic.

Key Takeaways: Kelvin in degrees Celsius Temperature conversion
  • The equation to convert between Kelvin and Celsius is: ° C = K – 273.15
  • Celsius temperature has a symbolic degree while those reported in Kelvin degrees do not.
  • While the degree size is the same between Kelvin and Celsius, there is no point where the two scales are equal. A Celsius temperature will always be higher than Kelvin.
  • Celsius temperatures can be negative. Kelvin drops to absolute zero (without negative temperature).

Formula Conversion

Here is the formula to convert Kelvin to degrees Celsius:

° C = K – 273.15

All it takes to convert Kelvin to degrees Celsius is a simple step.

Take the Kelvin temperature and drop 273.15. Your answer will be in degrees Celsius. Although there is no symbol for Kelvin degrees, you must add the symbol to report a Celsius temperature.


How many degrees Celsius is 500K?

First one ° C = K – 273.15
Second one ° C = 500 – 273.15
Third one ° C = 226.85 °

For another example, to convert the normal body temperature from Kelvin to Celsius. the temperature of the human body is 310.15 K. Put the value in the equation to solve for degrees Celsius:

° C = K – 273.15
° C = 310.15 – 273.15
human body temperature = 37 ° C

Celsius to Kelvin

Similarly, it is easy to convert Celsius temperature to the Kelvin scale. You can use either of the above formula or use:

K = ° C + 273.15

For example, converting the boiling point of water for Kelvin. The boiling point of the water is 100 ° C. Enter the value in the formula:

K = 100 + 273.15 (drop degree)
K = 373.15

Celsius to Kelvin

About Absolute Zero

While typical temperatures experienced in everyday life are often expressed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, many phenomena are described more easily, using an absolute temperature scale. The Kelvin scale starts from absolute zero (the coldest temperature can be reached) and is based on energy measurement (movement of molecules). Kelvin, in the international standard for measuring scientific temperature, and is used in many fields, including astronomy and physics.

Although it is perfectly normal to obtain negative values ​​for Celsius temperature, the Kelvin scale only goes up to zero. 0K is also known as absolute zero. This is the point where no additional heat can be produced from a system because there is no molecular motion, so no lower temperature is possible. Similarly, this means that the lowest possible Celsius temperature you can ever get is -273.15 ° C. If you ever do a calculation that gives you a lower value than it is, it's time to go back and go check your work. Either an error or something else is another problem.

How to convert degrees Celsius to Kelvin

Kelvin and Celsius are the two very important temperature scales for scientific measurements. Fortunately, it is easy to convert between them, because the two scales are the same size. All it takes to convert Celsius to Kelvin is a simple step. (The note is "Celsius", not "Celsius", a common misspelling.)

Celsius Kelvin Conversion Formula

Take the temperature of Celsius and add 273.15.

K = ° C + 273.15
Your answer will be in Kelvin degrees.

Remember, the Kelvin temperature scale does not use (°) the degree symbol. The reason is that Kelvin is an absolute scale, based on absolute zero, while zero on the Celsius scale is based on water properties.

Also, the measurements presented in Kelvin degrees will always be greater than in Celsius degrees.

Celsius Kelvin conversion example

For example, if you want to know what is 20 ° C, in Kelvin degrees:

you see K = 20 + 273.15 = 293.15 K

If you want to know what is -25.7 ° C, in Kelvin degrees:

Now, K = -25.7 + 273.15, which can be rewritten as:

Finally: K = 273.15-25.7 = 247.45 K

More examples of the temperature conversion

It's just as easy to convert to Kelvin Celsius degrees. Another important temperature scale is the Fahrenheit scale. If you use this scale, you should be familiar with how to convert Celsius Fahrenheit and Kelvin Fahrenheit.

Geographical Compass: How does it work?

Known for a very long time, it was invented in China. The principle is very simple: it contains a small magnetic needle placed on a pivot. One end of the needle indicates North (and the other indicates South). Most often the point which indicates the North is the red part of the needle.

The compass dial is divided from 0 to 360 clockwise. A circle has 360 degrees or 360º. The NORTH is at 0 or 360 degrees. EAST is 90 degrees. The SOUTH is 180 degrees. WEST is 270 degrees. Each 90-degree section is called a quadrant. You just have to imagine a pizza cut into four equal parts. Thus each part constitutes a quadrant. In some models, each quadrant is divided into two.

The degrees inside these new divisions indicate either the northeast (NE), the southeast (SE), the southwest (SW) or the northwest (NW). A person moving to a 220-degree reading would, therefore, go south and west, or even southwest.

Geographical Compass


Geographical coordinate system – The Earth contains large quantities of metal at its center. The rotation of this mass of metal creates what is called a magnetic field. And the magnets follow the field lines. If we made a diagram it would look a bit like what you see on the right, but these lines go approximately from the North Pole to the South Pole; so the needle takes the North-South direction.


First, you have to check that the needle is not blocked. To avoid this you must hold the compass well horizontally. Finally, you must move the compass away from any magnetic field: You must, therefore, be careful not to be under electric lines (which also create a magnetic field) or near a mass of metal (such as signposts …). Otherwise, the compass will show you a wacky direction.


In fact, a compass does not indicate exactly the north. It points to what is called the " magnetic north pole ". It is a point which is located near the North Pole. It has happened in the past that this magnetic north pole is near the south (geographic) pole. But at that time, the compasses did not yet exist.

We know this by studying eruptions: in lava, there are like little magnets, as long as the lava is liquid, these little magnets are like compasses.

They orient themselves along the lines of the earth's magnetic fields. When the lava solidifies, the magnets keep the last direction they have taken: they point to the magnetic north on the date of the eruption. That's all. Thank you.

Helpful Sources –

Unicode Charts


How to Type Degree Symbol on Laptop Without Number Pad


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