Are Diet Sodas Band in Some Countries

Many foods that are currently sold in the US are banned in other countries because of their less than desirable effects on our health and physical well-being. These 7 foods contain harmful additives, GMOs, and artificial, poisonous ingredients.

But just because the US hasn't banned these dangerous items doesn't mean you are doomed to consume them. By cutting these foods out of your diet, you can do your body—and the environment—a much needed favor.

1. Mountain Dew: Banned in over 100 countries


Photo by Ashton Caudle

Are you addicted to Mountain Dew or other citrus-flavored sodas like Fanta or Fresca? You might want to wean yourself off because these drinks contain Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO), an emulsifier that can cause reproductive and behavioral problems.

It's scary to think that each time you grab that Mountain Dew from the vending machine, you're filling your body with a substance thats original purpose was a flame retardant for carpets. Yikes.

2. Arsenic-Laced Chicken: Banned in the  EU


Photo by Ashton Caudle

Does that chicken breast you just bought look bright pink and fresh? Watch out, that pretty artificial pink color comes from the added arsenic in the chicken. Yes, arsenic. The poison.

Arsenic is used to make chicken look more "aesthetically pleasing" by causing the blood vessels to appear pinker. Inorganic arsenic is a carcinogen and has been found in elevated levels in grocery store chicken. Don't let those chickens fool you!

3. Select Dairy Products: Banned in  Australia, New Zealand, EU, Israel, and Canada


Photo by Ashton Caudle

A bovine growth hormone that is injected into cows to increase milk production,rBGH, has been linked to high breast cancer rates. While this hormone is currently banned in at least 30 countries worldwide for its well-known negative health effects on humans, the US has continued to allow it to be used on cows that produce commercial dairy products.

4. Farmed Salmon: Banned in Australia and New Zealand


Photo by Ashton Caudle

Not only is farmed salmon horrible for the environment and animal well-being, it's not good for you either. Because these fish are raised in crowded quarters, they are more susceptible to fish diseases, like sea lice.

To get rid of these diseases, farmers give the fish a dose of antibiotics, which is then passed on to humans for consumption and contributes to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance in the United States. Who wants to be sick forever?

5. Packaged Baked Goods & Frozen Dinners: Banned in Singapore


Photo by Ashton Caudle

If you're not keen on taking a bite out of your yoga mat or sneakers, you should stay away from foods containing Azodicarbonamide (the word itself is as scary as the chemical.) A chemical compound used to produce foamed plastics, Azodicarbonamide can be found in bread, frozen dinners, and packaged baked goods. This chemical bleaches flour instantly, and is commonly linked to asthma.

6. "Fat Free" Products: Banned in t he UK and Canada


Photo by Ashton Caudle

Also known as Olean, Olestra is a chemical that lowers the calorie count in your "fat free" potato chips. It can give you the lovely side effects of vitamin depletion and anal leakage… gross.

7. BHA and BHT: Banned in the UK, EU, Japan


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These chemicals are proven to give rats cancer… and we might be next. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are preservatives that are commonly used to keep products such as cereal, nut mixes, butter spread, and beer from going rancid. These two additives are agents used to stabilize fats and retain food's color, flavor, and shape.

For more info on these toxic foods, check out these articles:

  • 7 Super Foods You Should Be Eating Everyday for Ultimate Health
  • 9 Things I Learned Since Going Vegan 9 Weeks Ago
  • "Fed up" with the Food Industry

Are Diet Sodas Band in Some Countries


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